Two misleading acts involve use of bonnel spring coils and one single sheet of fabric to create a false pocket spring system. |
Interlocked, these coils cannot move independently like real individual pocketed springs. |
All coils are shown to be interlocked on four sides. |
A top view of bonnel spring coils made to falsify the appearance of individual barrel shape pocketed spring coils. |
Here you have a mattress housing a false pocket spring system. |
Concealed within the fabric are bonnel spring coils. |
The term “pocket spring” is a term frequently misunderstood by consumers during their search for a new mattress. By the influence of media and marketing, the mentioning of “pocket spring,” during a sales pitch, invokes in the mind of a potential buyer the following mental images:
- Spring coils wrapped in fabric pockets.
- Bowling pins, placed on spring coils, that remain erect and undisturbed when a bowling ball is dropped on the coils.
The potential buyer infers that the product being promoted provides premium support, comfort, and reduction of physical pressure. However, consumers must note that these properties are only assured and proven if the product truly houses an individual barrel pocketed spring system, and not simply a collection of spring coils wrapped in fabric pockets to create the illusion of there being an individual barrel pocketed spring system. In the photographs displayed above, one may find examples of manufacturers in the act of dishonestly producing spring coil clusters that resemble an individual barrel shape pocketed spring systems only on a cosmetic level.
To confirm the veracity of the sales pitch, the cautious consumer can inquire whether the spring coils are barrel-shaped and not hourglass-shaped as they are in bonnel spring mattresses. Furthermore, the consumer can also inquire whether the coils are housed separately in individual fabric pockets—as it is possible for a manufacturer to wrap columns of connected hourglass-shaped coils (meant for bonnell mattresses and not for genuine pocketed spring mattresses) in a singular piece of fabric. These properties are hard to ascertain unless the consumer opens up the mattress. Also, when the price point of the product is too hard to ignore, a consumer is more likely to assume that the term “pocket spring” is equivalent to “individual barrel pocketed spring” due to confirmation bias.
As it is unlikely that a consumer would rip open a mattress recently purchased to inspect its contents, manufacturers can be incentivized to use cheaper materials and an easier fabrication process without fear of getting caught. Therefore, mattresses can be secretly housing a bonnel spring spring system while being promoted as “pocket spring” to mislead consumers into thinking that products are individual barrel shaped pocketed spring mattresses. We at Magic Koil confidently and proudly state that our pocket spring mattresses are genuine individual barrel pocketed spring mattresses.